

 I love reading the energetics behind a person's face, and I feel like I really get to know people from the inside out.  This portrait of Stephanie captures her gentleness and sensitivity.

     I remember my college roomate staying up all night to paint her self-portrait, and I then seeing it the next morning once she'd painted in the eyes. It was spooky how it suddenly embodied her spirit.

     I'm pleased with the large range of values I got in this portrait. It can feel risky to take them that far, but fortunately it kind of worked. I'm trying to integrate a more impressionistic approach to watercolor with some of the rigor of accurate seeing and rendering. While it's not really my nature to do this, it's been a wonderful exploration.

    Portrait of Jessie 


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1 comment
  • Beautiful Karen….your work really inspires me!

    Maggie Mitchell on

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